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A Trip to the Great Wall
更新时间: 2024-04-27 06:47:32

If you dont go to th Grat Wall, you wont bcom a hro. On May Day my classmats and I wnt to th Grat Wall.W got on th bus in th arly morning. On our way to th Grat Wall, w saw lots of nw buildings bing built hr and thr.Bijing is changing a lot vry day. Aftr two hours th Grat Wall appard bfor our ys.Sh was so wondrful that w couldnt hlp chring. At onc w startd towards th top. W wr vry gladto b hros in th nd. How grat th Grat Wall is! W wr proud of th Grat Wall and th popl who had built it. And w mad our mind to work hardr than bfor. W will try our bst to mak our mothrland richr and strongr.

A Trip to the Great Wall

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